Bön Penno Prediction — Tibetan Astrology Daily Influence for 2020–04–07
Today is a 💦Water💦 Day with 🔥Fire-Air🌪 Lunar influences.
Good for agriculture and anything to do with cultivation of land, planting, sowing seeds, undertaking projects, building, etc. Excellent for all business and exchange, relating to other people and building permanent relationships.
Along with today, I’m throwing the Mo as well.
Q: How can people get back in touch with innocence, laughter and come together on similar, like-minded subjects?
A: RA RA (🔥Fire, Fire🔥): all activities of power will be accomplished favorably and well here, to add butter again and again to the burning flames of desire
Interpretation: This is a time for purification. But what does that actually mean?
Traditionally, flames are used to purify or to disinfect. “The knowledge given here, from the Bon Penno prophecy — lineage tales from Bön — are applicable to a time when the evil period would arise. It is like a path because all sentient beings are connected to it. It is evil because it will be the most cruel of purifications (worse than is deserved), driven by Men of Ill-Intent and their goals. The Three Poisons are at the root of their motivations and these men of ill intent are worshipers of suffering🤬😫😟, theft👩⚖️👨⚖️ and enslavement👨✈️👩✈️. These are the results of lifetimes of defilement and encouragement by those around them to cultivate these bad habits.
It is said that when a person cultivates evil as their path, it is the responsibility of all whom come into contact with them to aid in their purification. To cut it at the root and to encourage a turn to good habits (ones that produce positive outcomes for the person and those around them). It is encouraged to invite them into a community that can give them a sense of belonging — to cure the development of selfishness and the thirst for domination. To provide them with good role models to aid in their moral development. These men shun such opportunities and develop cruelty and domination in their hearts.
This problem has always been experienced in the Human realm. In times of great development, humans have been active in the management of these people. In times of the worst suffering in human time, these men have been allowed not only to practice their destructive desires, but were even encouraged by those in their society to see how far they can grow this evil habitual pattern 😈. While “good people” did nothing.
The result is a kind of cumulative purification set of conditions. Everyone that allowed these conditions to develop — the Men of Ill Intent 😈, the population that they tower over, the animals 🐕🦌🐐🦙🐑, the elemental spirits🧞♂️🧞♀️, the gods🧝♀️🧝♂️, demigods, hungry ghosts🧟♂️🧟♀️, demons👹🧛♀️🧛♂️ and hell realm inhabitants — All will suffer intense purification as a result.” — Bön Penno Prophecy
🌈☄️⚡️Advice here is to let the purification event happen, do not get in the way of other’s purification or put yourself in a compromising position based on what other people are doing/saying. Realize the problem-reaction-solution approach is not going to get you where you want to go. Trust your own intuition and take this time that appears to be obstruction as a blessing for being able to take the time for your own self-development. When the time passes that you’ve planted the seeds of the habits you want to see grow into something you want to be more in control of, the obstruction will be lifted and you can move on with your life. Only then, will the correct teacher for you will show up and you can start learning what your heart truly desires 😍