How to Accept Your Body and Yourself Better

Brenden Brown, CMT
3 min readJun 6, 2019


There’s something that happens when you know where you’re at with your current health picture and you say, ok. I know I can do better…

I have done better before and I’m going to do better again…

“Well, why don’t I start tomorrow,” you tell yourself. I wish I could just _____________,” you gather. “It’s okay, I’m fine because I have a gym membership.” Or my personal favorite that I’ve told myself before, “I will just have one glass of wine instead of the whole bottle.”

It’s funny what dialogue we have with ourselves or in our heads. Sometimes, these voices have a personality of their own!

This dialogue is healthy and at extremes, are not. What we can agree on is that they are part of our story about accepting ourselves as humans that at times, can be rational (or irrational). And also, we are procrastinate-beings that are sometimes unsure about our next steps or course of action.

We are human! We can make an affirmation, step or stance that makes us feel better. At least we’ve done SOME thing towards a certain or specific end. Small steps equal big steps and before you know it, wow! Look at how far we’ve come!

OK, I know what you may be thinking, “Oh, here comes another marketing tactic…” or, “Next thing he’s going to tell me is that I need to go on a special diet!” or, “Great, he’s an expert on health now and is going to tell me what I need to be doing…”

But…what if there was something you could do RIGHT NOW that would boost your health in a positive direction that doesn’t require much besides laying down and rolling on a cylindrical device?

What’s worse is that we are constantly being marketed to by the names of the Mainstream Media and Big Industry, we’re told to shop nothing but “organic” foods at Whole Foods or Trader Joes and told that if we don’t have x, y or z that something bad is going to happen. Moving away from pain every step of the way. Why do we, as a society, accept this as our reality?

It’s alright, it’s not your fault you don’t move toward pleasure and don’t mind going through a little pain to get to the goods! Nobody has told you how to accept yourself, your body and your wholesome-self until now. This is all within your grasp as you so choose. Nothing is as easy as what I’m about to tell you. All you need is a foam roller, a mat or a floor to lay on. This is an opportunity to have some time to yourself and to come to a point where you can spend time with yourself and start to explore your own inner world.

Foam rolling is an amazing way to help boost circulation of blood and lymph, remove toxins from your body and helps to improve your body’s range of motion. It’s perfect for people who want to do something immediately for their bodies and helps you to accept yourself just the way you are. This is all about discovering your inner zen and using pain to your advantage!

There’s a method of foam rolling that I can teach that does all these things. A Facebook Community group that you can join that has hours of How-To videos, anatomy lessons and other people that can help support you on your journey to well-being.

Coaching is also available with Brenden. Send him your email address and you’ll be added to the subscription list. Happy Foam Rolling!


Call/Text @ 312–493–6186



Brenden Brown, CMT
Brenden Brown, CMT

Written by Brenden Brown, CMT

Creator of Foam Rolling Secrets, Foam Rolling Coach, Certified Massage Therapist CAMTC #74782 @ Blue Tiger Wellness, Former IT Security Professional

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