Karmic Astro Weather Forecast for Sun 2022–05–15 to Wed 05–18
This is Brenden, your Karmic Astro Weatherman bringing you your upcoming week weather forecast!

The Bon world is going to be flourishing with Ekadzati’s empowerment from Padma Gonpo on Sunday! Thankfully, it’ll be a great day Sunday followed up a disharmony day with rain, full moon and lunar eclipse on Monday followed by an advancement day Tuesday and youthful day on Wednesday which will bring rain — yay!
Sun May 15 🔥🔥💨 We have a full moon and lunar eclipse referred to as the “Super Flower Blood Moon” occurring later in the night time today. Depending on your location, the partial eclipse will begin at 10:28PM EST (0228 GMT on May 16) and will peak at 12:11AM EST (0411 GMT) on May 16. The moon phase of the eclipse will begin about an hour earlier and end about an hour after the partial eclipse, according to TimeandDate.com
We have powerful yoga combination that is fierce and it will enable success, power and action which results in bringing good omens together. Today is good for spiritual practice, religious services, making requests to deities, dharma activities and hanging prayer flags. When you combine with the destructive energies about to ensue after this moon phase, it is also favorable for undesirable activities and any events that the performer would want to feel the relief of being rid of — something such as purging, surgery, destroying an enemy, waste disposal, paying debts.
This day is the most negative day for “good actions” and related to destruction, but can be favorable for actions done to get rid of something, breaking, demolishing, cleaning, purifying, destroying something negative and evil.
You may notice a pull toward gaining academic knowledge and having tremendous energy and initiative on a day like today. You may notice an infusion of clear thinking and being able to reason but you might watch your interactions with neighbors on a day like today.
AM: Good for agriculture and anything having to do with the cultivation of the land, planting and sowing seeds, undertaking projects, building, etc.
PM: Excellent for all business and exchange, relating to other people and building permanent relationships.
No travel is to be undertaken on this day. The direction East is favorable. Starting new projects and construction in general is not favored, and the day is somewhat aggressive, even bold and daring. Not Favorable for Journeys. Not Favorable for Hair Cutting.
It is also best avoiding or postponing unnecessary surgery and/or possible injuries to the center of the nose today, if possible.
Mon May 16 ⛰🌊💨 Disharmonic energies shade the day after the full moon early on in the morning, which which brings about disagreements and schisms, which can separates friends and family, makes people commit slander and creates enemies. We would do well to be on guard for potential conflicts and bad reactions in the world around us. This combination is said not to be favorable for medical procedures or starting important activities.
People’s mental states will be in emotion-mode promoting hidden, unseen and underneath-the-surface activities that remind us about gentleness in ourselves and those around us. Thankfully the animal personality of the day will be providing warmth, forming close and long-lasting relationships. Relationships nourished now will be crucial in the weeks to come while food supplies will be starting to become scarce due to the men of ill-intent’s activities of implementing shortages in the name of “national security”.
AM: Not good for any activity other than being aggressive and attacking enemies and obstacles. This is the “bad” Moon Phase and nothing positive should be undertaken.
PM: Excellent for all activities that increase one’s strength and vitality — health.
Travel is forbidden on this lunar day. Good for invoking the ancestors and religious practice and ceremonies. Good for wealth and wisdom, and rightful actions. New projects and construction should not be undertaken. Favorable for Action (Purification). Not Favorable for Journeys. Not Favorable for Marriage. Not Favorable for Agriculture. Not Favorable for Hair Cutting. Those born on this lunar day have a fondness for food and the partners of others.
It is also best avoiding or postponing unnecessary surgery and/or possible injuries to the entire body today, if possible.
Tue May 17 🌊🔥🔥 Advancement is the order of the day and it’s a combination that produces multiplication and increase in wealth, property, food, clothing and resources. This combination is excellent for doing business, buying, selling, wealth practices, charitable giving, generosity and planting seeds. Utilize this to increase your food stores, your clothing and other types of things you’re preparing for as it’s a day favorable for taking action and gaining happiness!
AM: Auspicious for undertaking good acts and performing religious practices and ceremonies.
PM: Favorable for relationships, whether friends or lovers — anything done with love. Also good for choosing a spouse.
This lunar is said to be favorable for most activities, including performing rituals and religious festivals, in general, and taking initiations. Travel is to be avoided. Not Favorable for Hair Cutting. One born on this lunar day has to be careful of the company they keep. Overall, very serious, lacking simple enjoyment, and there may be some disgrace or scandal.
It is also best avoiding or postponing unnecessary surgery and/or possible injuries to the center of the nose again today, if possible.
Wed May 18 💨⛰🌊 The day is going to be a powerful day that is promising overcoming of obstacles — windy systems will be bringing rain later on in the evening.
AM: Excellent for all business and exchange, relating to other people and building permanent relationships.
PM: Not good for any activity other than being aggressive and attacking enemies and obstacles. This is the “bad” Moon Phase and nothing positive should be undertaken.
This lunar day is good for cutting the hair and finger nails, and anything related to caring for the body, beauty, and health. Good for undertaking projects and building things. Persons born on this lunar day may lack motivation and be lazy and, in general, restless. Wealth is obtained and the direction north-east is favored.
It is also best avoiding or postponing unnecessary surgery and/or possible injuries to the palms of the hands today, if possible.
Want to thank you for tuning in, hope this helps you prepare for the week! Feel free to ask any questions about your own Tibetan Astrology birth chart, a basic Khil Khor or Crystal Mirror reading! We can look into your personal, business, romantic or wealth relationships and use traditional methods to achieve miraculous results 😁
If you’re interested in the current year’s almanac, Jason Lancaster with Vajra Tone Tibetan Cosmology Solutions has produced the Tibetan Almanac and they are hot off the press!
- Photo Courtesy: space.com