Sun May 2, 2021 | Tibetan Almanac | Fire 🔥 Fire 🔥 Water 💦

Brenden Brown, CMT
2 min readMay 2, 2021
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The Sun Dog is the influence today along with the Fire-Water combination, which symbolizes an ending (Death) today: it is a good day to end a bad habit, no need to pick back up that one, no no! The Sun and Dog coming together is an interesting combination, since the Sun is really about the mind, the will, courage bravery, illumination, vitality and things coming to light — complements the Dog quite nicely. The Dog would do well to utilize the Sun’s life-bringing energies to his dealings today, as this type of Dog is known to be threatened by enemies and could do well to establish a rep for fair dealings. This Dog could use a bit of the sunlight Vitamin D as he is a bit nervous and impulsive — could use some pool time, but he will never be caught being disloyal and has a great sense of humor. Still water runs deep with this one, so tread lightly around this dear affectionate friend.

AM: Good for agriculture and anything having to do with the cultivation of the land, planting and sowing seeds, undertaking projects, building, etc.
PM: Excellent for all business and exchange, relating to other people and building permanent relationships.

Splendid lunar day today: Efforts undertaken on this day, new projects, etc. will bring moderate success. This is not a day for travel, and doing so may bring losses. Not Favorable for Journeys

Persons born on this day will be prone to some bombast, perhaps arguments, and egotism, in general, and a yearning to be in the spotlight.

Your chart can reveal some really interesting things that Western Astrology doesn’t come even close to.

Your chart includes:
* Birth Chart
* Elemental Analysis (Luck, Destiny, Body and Vitality)
* Malicious Spirits
* Astrological Interpretations look at solar and lunar aspects of the your life and key moments that shaped you
* Includes Sun, Moon and Personal Deity, which is what you’re building to become in this life to help transmute yourself into enlightened form

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Brenden Brown, CMT

Creator of Foam Rolling Secrets, Foam Rolling Coach, Certified Massage Therapist CAMTC #74782 @ Blue Tiger Wellness, Former IT Security Professional