Tibetan Khil Khor Reading: Popular On-Demand Massage Business Success

What are some of the challenges on-demand servicing companies face in the future?
A look into one of the servicing companies I source massage work from, using an ancient Tibetan process called, “Khil Khor Reading” or the more intermediate kind, “Crystal Mirror”. This is used to get a sense of what is going on with their company’s leadership, their partners, associates, what they do, their inner-circle, etc.
Hope you enjoy!
If you have any questions, comments, please contact Brenden Brown @ bluetigerwellness@gmail.com or 312–493–6186
Brenden Brown
Blue Tiger Wellness
Check out my Tibetan Astrology/Cosmology site: https://sites.google.com/view/tibetanboncosmology/learn-more?authuser=0
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