Tues July 28, 2020 is a Water 💦 Fire 🔥 Wind 💨 Day

Brenden Brown, CMT
4 min readJul 28, 2020


Tues July 28, 2020 is a Water 💦 Fire 🔥 Wind 💨 Day

Tweety bird knew it was a bad moon phase today til 5 pm and knew that today was not a good lunar day to undertake new projects or for construction. It was conflictual and not good for any activity other than being aggressive and attacking enemies and obstacles. It was, however, a powerful combination of lunar energies and excellent for all activities that increased one’s strength and vitality (health). On this day, the 8 mewa, it is said that it’s important to maintain one’s strength and not become weak. Tweety knew she could capitalize on a day like today, which was very good for obtaining wealth, increasing resources, health and healing, honing expertise in the chosen field. The almanac said that the only favorable direction for travel on a day like today was South-East and that it was favorable for hair cutting, but not for marriage. The Mars energy of the day made Tweety want to get out and explore.

She was said to be practical and industrious by many and while she had a clear head for rational thought and deduction, she over analyzed situations one too many times. Her passionate attitude to work and remaining optimistic in the face of opposition made her certain about her own opinions, not liking to be challenged. This gave her a leg up in easily winning people over to her side with her persuasive speech and becoming an even-handed leader leading to a rich and powerful life. She did have strong desires and material attachments, mostly to food and wine and her love life was governed by her head. If she just accepted circumstances that couldn’t be changed, she would have been better off for it.

It was a bad day to burn refuse or otherwise scorch the earth according to the almanac, but what Tweety had in mind was one for the books. She was sick and tired of being caged up and knew she had to do something about it. Not only was she caged up in her metal cage, she was caged up in her mind. All the conditioning from the news, government organizations, social media, movies, tell-lie-vision and advertisements were starting to get to her. “I just can’t take it anymore, we need to step up and do something!” Tweety organized a group of friends with like-minded views of the world and planned to help aid in saving the world.

The year’s energy of the rat and the day’s energy of the bird did not get along. The unconventional ways of the year’s rat energy did not get along with the conventional ways of the bird. The bird liked to have her appearance to be controlled and proper and this seriousness of the bird came out in rallying those around her to coming together for a greater purpose.

Now, the day’s animal personality — like Tweety’s — signified a glorious and masterful endowment of much wealth, grain and an abundance of food and drink prevalent with any leader of mankind. People looked up to Tweety and her ability to be driven and powerful, but she was humble, gentle in speech, trustworthy, kind-hearted and also an expert in delivering speech. “We must start with ourselves, abandoning suffering and what poisons our minds are the only way we can win this war on our minds. The suffering of man and what has been predicted thousands of years ago about the suffering of man is now upon us. The prophecy is called Penno. Evil is arising and is driven by men of ill intent and those who are aiding them. Those worshipping suffering, theft and enslavement are going to get their way if we don’t succeed in averting the full influence of these men of ill intent. During this time, there will be many actions by the Bönku to awaken the people. This is the first clear signs of the arising of the prophecy. May those who are ready be swift in abandoning selfishness, greed, pride and hatred and may their efforts bring great results! We must work on what has been corrupted, mainly our spirits.” What Tweety realized was the proverbial cage that people were in, they needed to rally around a leader who can help free themselves from unwholesome tendencies and bad habits. She knew that only a master could help aid in that.

Beware of the conflictual energies of today and self-doubt that may be present.

Are you encouraged to develop your spirit more or want to know what karmic habitual patterns are getting in the way of your development? Message me for more information or questions and I’d be glad to help in any way possible.



Brenden Brown, CMT

Creator of Foam Rolling Secrets, Foam Rolling Coach, Certified Massage Therapist CAMTC #74782 @ Blue Tiger Wellness, Former IT Security Professional